Employment Opportunities at Tigerton Schools

Certified Staff
English Teacher (Grades 8-12)
Elementary School Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Support Staff
​​Child Care Teacher
Tiger's Den Daycare is hiring a part-time teacher. Scheduled hours will vary on a weekly basis. Please call (715) 535-4019 or email bkopitzke@tigerton.k12.wi.us for more information.
Kitchen Substitutes Wanted
The Tigerton School Kitchen is looking to add to its sub list for the 2017/2018 school year! If you or someone you know is interested in subbing in the ES/HS kitchen this year, please contact Amy Laatsch at 715-535-4004 or Beth Rogowski at 715-535-4044.
The position includes, but not limited to, serving students, washing dishes and general clean up. Hours will vary based on need.
Custodial Substitute Wanted
The School District of Tigerton is looking for individuals who are available to help with custodial duties on a substitute basis.
For more information on the position and requirements please contact Beth Rogowski in the District Office at 715-535-4044.
Interested candidates should contact the district office for an application.

Coaching Positions Available
The School District of Tigerton is accepting letters of interest and resumes to fill the following coaching position immediately:
Assistant High School Girls Basketball (Coop with Marion)
Please submit letters of interest/resumes to Elizabeth Marquardt, Athletic Director, at emarquardt@tigerton.k12.wi.us.
The Tigerton School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, political affiliation, physical, mental, emotional, learning, or other disabilities, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, citizenship, marital or parental status, ancestry, color, arrest or conviction record, membership in the National Guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or Wisconsin, or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law.