2025-26 Open Enrollment online application available Feb. 3, 2025
Open Enrollment Regular Application Window for the 2025-26 School Year
Public School Open Enrollment Regular application period for the 2025-26 school year is
February 3 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm.
DPI announced that the online application will be available beginning on Feb. 3 at midnight.
Application deadline is 4:00 pm, April 30, 2025.
Use the following link to access the DPI process and application:
For additional information or if you have questions regarding the Open Enrollment program, contact openenrollment@dpi.wi.gov or call toll-free: 888-245-2732. You can also contact our
Open Enrollment Coordinator, Beth Rogowski at brogowski@tigerton.k12.wi.us or 715-535-4044.
2024-25 Alternative Application Form
Parents/legal guardians requesting their child(ren) attend the Tigerton School District may apply for open enrollment outside the regular application period after July 1. Directions for submitting the alternative application:
Print the form and complete one for each child. In addition, provide a short statement as to why you would like your child to attend the Tigerton School District. Submit these documents to the District Office at 213 Spaulding St, Tigerton, WI, fax to 715-535-4010, or email to brogowski@tigerton.k12.wi.us. Parents/legal guardians will be notified of decision within two weeks.
Parents/legal guardians that move out of the Tigerton School District during the school year and want their child to continue attending the district for the remainder of the current school year should submit a Tuition Waiver form. In addition, parents/legal guardians that want their child to continue attending for "futureed" school year, will also need to apply through open enrollment during the regular application period.
Submit these documents to the District Office at 213 Spaulding St, Tigerton; Fax to 715-535-4010 or Email to brogowski@tigerton.k12.wi.us. Parents/legal guardians will be notified of decision within two weeks.
2025-26 Open Enrollment Application/Instructions